Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Guest Post! I wrote one! Go me!

Ahhh.. blogging. It is something you are only supposed to do if you are passionate about it.
If you would've told me a year ago, that you need a formal education just to blog- I would have told you "You're full of crap!" But I would've been wrong.

Blogging is a lot more work that anyone realizes.. even without knowing the complex HTML & CSS. Only another blogger can truly appreciate how much work goes into it. It's more than the upkeep, design, articles, keeping it fresh and witty! I am not complaining, but it is a lot of work. It doesn't matter if you are a mommy review blogger (like me ) or if you write only articles about travel or parenting etc.

I entered into this head first.. thinking it would be easy. It's not too complicated I suppose.. but I was a little shocked at how much you have to know. Not to mention how much I have taught myself in the past 6 months and still have yet to learn. Google has become my new friend. Sometimes my enemy too, when I can't find or understand what it is telling me. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, reading this stuff.. (html) and understanding it- sometimes I feel like I am reading a foreign language. Some alien computer language. When you get it- boy do you really get it! But when you don't- do you cock your head sideways and stare at the screen dumbfounded shaking your head?

I can compare running my very new and small blog to running a childrens school bus. The companies I represent and work with are like rowdy children that need to be put in their place occasionally. A few are well behaved though. Driving the bus while running my own life, and my life would be the road I suppose.. other cars would be distractions, and road rage would be times of frustration and stress. OK- I admit so maybe it's a bad analogy.

There is really not too much point to this article. I just wanted to take a minute to share some of these crazy thoughts jumbling around in my head and give you a little insight into who I am. I am not just a blogger. I am not just a military wife. I am not just a mommy. Before all of those things I was and always will be Casey Colette.

Casey enjoys trashy reality TV, not caring what others think, and spending time with her children and friends. Casey Colette publishes a blog named Locomotion of Expressions. She has review, giveaways and funny articles about shrinking chicken fingers. You can connect with her on her Facebook page and stay updated about her current blog posts and low entry giveaways.


EmeraldandJade said...

Thanks for the warning. I remember in the mid 90s when you'd have to get a book from the library to learn HTML because there wasn't even enough advice on that online! And you had to design pretty much from scratch- no templates.
Sorry you were going through all that frustration when you wrote this post :(

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