Sunday, May 6, 2012

Build A Dad workshop

In the last Babytalk I got in my mailbox, I saw a fascinating article I want to touch on here with you, and I am encouraging your response/opinion on this topic in the comments on this post!
"I've discovered one more thing they're making better overseas: fathers"
by Shawn Bean
To sum up the article I just want to touch on the key points :
Chinese government exploring granting paid paternity leave
South Korea recently amended it's employment laws to give male workers 5 days of paternity leave (3 paid, 2 unpaid)
Last year Australia instituted it's first family-leave policy policy to provide paid paternity leave for 18 weeks.
Guys here gets ZERO paid time off from Uncle Sam. Some individual companies may choose to: but they do not have to.
Sweden allows 480 days of paid parental leave for each child.
Sweden has the worlds 4th lowest mortality in infants.
The US ranks 47th.
Shocking, right? So should we all just move to China?
In fact, the U.S. guarantees no paid leave for new mothers either. That puts us in the company of only three other countries (hello, Liberia, Papau New Guinea and Swaziland!)


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