Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Totally relevant! "Disney dad syndrome" he actually did take them to Disney.... and Legoland, and Orlando.. The list goes on and on.

Totally relevant! "Disney dad syndrome" he actually did take them to Disney. WtActualF, and Legoland, and Orlando.. The list goes on and on.
Again, I don't usually post these press releases but this one is far more relevant than the one earlier today.
Its about how one parent APPEARS to be more fun.

And it really is unfair.. Bc I can totally relate to parts of this article .
I get to do the day to day grind and the disciplining and inasmuch become the bad guy as he appears to be the savior and so nice but in reality the grass is always greener on the other side and that is something that just comes with life experience..

These kids of mine, as I've told them before when your young your standing on this wall with this gorgeous graffiti but you can only what's right in front of you. Each year as you age you take steps back and see the bigger picture. Even I, at 35 can't see the whole wall. But these kids can only see such a small piece of the picture. Its just gonna take some time and yes I am tired of him trying to buy their love.

Disney Dad: How to Cope When Your Ex-Husband Is The Fun One – Interviews Available

Do you ever feel as if your ex is acting like the proverbial grand marshal of the parade at Disney World, fiercely entertaining and wooing your kids, while you are the one who is left pushing the stroller and carrying the diaper bag? If this sounds familiar, you might be dealing with a “Disney Dad”! Disney Dad is defined as the “fun parent” or the person who does not worry about the day-to-day grind.
NYC Based Matrimonial Law Attorney Jacqueline Newman available For interviews. The following information comes from Jacqueline’s new book “Soon-to-Be Ex: A Woman's Guide to Her Perfect Divorce and Relaunch”
A Definite Lack of Fairy Dust
It may appear your ex has set up shop in The Happiest Place on Earth and turned you into the villain, but think about it this way: He feels terrible about the fact he is not home when the kids go to bed each night and is incredibly focused on making up for that in any way he can. Now, realize that some of these feelings may be intensified and heightened if he is the one who was responsible for your split or who initiated the divorce. I can guarantee that while a forty-eight-hour, all-inclusive trip to the Magic Kingdom is a lot of fun in the heat of the moment, when they are tired and done at the end of the day, they just want to fall asleep on Mommy.
How to Avoid Feeling like the Runner-Up
This new dynamic in your life can be hard—and it can feel bad. I am quite sure you have thought, “Well, I could be ‘Fun Mommy’ if I had to parent only every other weekend, did not have to worry about homework getting done, and did not have to think about a million other responsibilities day in and day out.” However, your life right now requires you to care about the minutiae—“the stuff that is not fun.”
I encourage you to think about your role in your children’s lives and what that means to them. Remind yourself that love cannot be bought and that children understand when a parent is there to support them, nurture them, and comfort them.  Learn how to cope better by creating a barrier and not worrying about what happens when your child is on Disney Dad’s time. This might go against your most basic instincts as a parent, but for your sanity, I encourage you to master this.
Yes, Disney World is a very fun place to visit, but at the end of the day, a child craves stability and consistency. As your children grow, they will develop an appreciation for the parent who got it done, day in and day out. They will admire the parent who took time out of her day to get them to soccer practices and ballet rehearsal; they will appreciate that Mom helped them with their homework and made them brush their teeth before bed. Take comfort in the thought that while a weekend vacation might be nice, there is no place like home.
About Jacqueline Newman
Jacqueline Newman ( is a New York City based divorce lawyer and experienced NY matrimonial law expert. As managing partner of a top tier 5th Avenue Manhattan law firm focused exclusively on divorce, her practice runs the gamut from prenups for high net worth people contemplating marriage to high conflict matrimonial litigation in dissolution's involving complex financial assets and difficult custody issues. She is the Author of "Soon-to-Be Ex for Men: Preserving Wealth, Fatherhood, and Sanity during Divorce" & "Soon To Be EX: A Guide To Your Perfect Divorce & Relaunch."
Jacqueline Newman TV Appearances on WPIX-11:


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