Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Calculator: How to Get the Biggest Bang out of Your Back-to-School Bucks for Recurring Bills

Household bills can be the biggest budget busters and even with all the offers and options, actually saving money can get confusing. Money gets even tighter when it’s time for back-to- school shopping. With internet and mobile devices becoming more essential for student success, finding ways to spend less money on these recurring bills is important. While there are a seemingly endless number of websites that provide information and offers, saving money on internet, phone and cable plans shouldn’t require algebra. The key is to find the best deals on recurring household bills all under one site. Comparison websites such as allow consumers to view cost-saving rates for cell phone, cable and internet services, and the best interest rates for home mortgages, personal loans, auto loans, credit cards, and even insurance. Here are three ways using a comparison website can help you save money for recurring back-to- school expenses:

1 – Phone Planning – The options for plans and carriers have so much fine print that it’s nearly impossible to know what the monthly bills will be – and not all options are even advertised. With even the youngest children carrying mobile devices, a family plan may make more sense than several individual plans. Decide how many people will be on the plan this year – and over the next few years - and use a comparison website that explains clearly what the costs and benefits of each plan are.

2 – Internet Interests – Now that encyclopedias have gone the way of dinosaurs, students need reliable internet for research,
studying and collaborating with classmates. Parents and other family members also have a need-for-speed when it comes to going online. Lesser-known and less expensive service providers in your area can be found on comparison websites.

3 – Check Your Local Listings – Depending on your television viewing habits, you may want to bundle a cable and internet plan together, and perhaps have a plan that allows programming to be viewed on mobile devices. While many consumers are “cutting the cord” and doing without cable, teachers often expect students to be able to access local educational cable programming for school assignments. Plus, many school districts broadcast important board meetings and school events so cutting the cord may not be the best way to save money. A comparison website is the best place to figure out what you really need and how much it actually costs. As consumers look to save money on what’s going into students’ backpacks, comparison websites can help manage recurring bills for the services that help them succeed. With a few clicks, families can save more than a few back-to-school dollars. About Elias Janetis A seasoned entrepreneur, Elias Janetis is founder and CEO of, which is a personal finance company on a mission to help consumers save money, reduce debt and grow their wealth. The “Squeeze Savings Guru,” Janetis is also an investor and a creative risk-taker. With, an innovative new price comparison website, Janetis is successfully disrupting the personal financial technology space.

Disclaimer : Guest post: By Elias Janetis, founder and CEO of

Roblox is also a big hit this year.


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