I absolutely LOVED that this site PowerMyLearning is free!!
Not only do a lot of sites have high membership dues, or "free trials" which you soon forget you even subscribed for.... That is, until you get the non-refundable 19.99 charge on your debit card bill.. Yeaaahh- y'all know what I am talking about, don't you?
As I was saying, not only is it 100% free, and free is a GOOD thing-- but in addition: lot of sites worry me, because of the Ads on sidebars which could have viruses and/or tracking cookies, not to mention things inappropriate for children, at times. Even the best of sites like Disney and Nick have these.
Bottom line: You don't know a sites safety without sitting hours researching Even if you do, you'd have to sit on top of an eight year old the entire time they were on the computer to make sure they don't stray that mouse clicker to questionable sites. Now, this may sound bad- but let us have a moment of honesty here: a lot of the times I let my daughter on the computer to get her out of my hair and get stuff done.. and neither of those feats can be accomplished if I have to monitor her every click on the computer.

This site has Activities (3062) Certified Playlists 200, so to say there is hours of entertainment and browsing of educational activities would be an understatement.
To get started on the site visit http://powermylearning.org/user/register to register for your free account!
Here’s a bit more information about PowerMyLearning: Learning is now fun for your child with PowerMyLearning. Powermylearning.org is a free non-profit website with everything K- 12th grade students need to get ahead academically! The site provides educational online games that incorporate things your child already loves such as trains, animals and even fashion.
I especially enjoyed the Roller Coaster Creator (above), which takes you to a page on National Geographic where you design your own Roller Coaster!!! It will even show you tips and tricks to do it the best way! Gigi really enjoyed playing this Super Action Comic Maker (below). I love how design games inspire her creativity!
My daughter enjoyed watching/playing Flow, Kaleidoscope AND Sculpture Studio. I loved that you can also suggest a site for addition to their amazing list of games.
Of all the things to do on the site she most liked (and I suggest you search for an app/game called Storybird, which unfortunately is a paid app, but does have a "simple" version for free. Thank goodness! With this game you can create, read, and share visual stories. Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can make and share on any device. If you aren't intruiged enough to visit and register yet, chew on this:
I saved the best part for last: "My Children's Assignments"!!! Use this page to keep up to date on your child’s assigned playlists. Playlists are collections of activities that teachers can build & assign to help structure and support your child’s learning. How cool is that? You can make a playlist of games that are appropriate for your child, to make using the site easier and less complicated while making sure that target areas are hit and not missed. PowerMyLearning usage reports coming soon! Can't wait!!
Again to get started on the site visit http://powermylearning.org/user/register to register for your free account!
Visit them on social networks to stay connected and in the know about site updates and additions.
Disclosure: This is a Sponsored post for Sverve and PowerMyLearning. I was paid to post about the site. Regardless, I was not paid to post a positive review, and rest assured that if I did not like the site, I would be the first to tell you. :))
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