The information and prize pack have been provided by Publix® and Green Giant™ through MyBlogSpark.
I work with MyBlogSpark reviewing Publix all the time! In exchange I get gift cards to purchase items at Publix, and share them with you in exchange for that, I post about sales and promotions they might be having.
I usually will pick Publix over any other grocery store & I really do love Publix because the store environment, the prices, the selections, the brands, the varieties of the brands, the produce, the seafood, and the organics. They have a lot of organics throughout the store, as well as a aisle dedicated to organic items.
I usually am preferable to there because of their coupon policies and employees as well. Unfortunately, yesterday I had the worst experience I have ever had at a Publix. The manager, the girl in line behind me, and the coupons, it was all a recipe for disaster.
First : lets get the who, when, where, why and how details off the bat.
Who: The manager, the girl in line behind me, and the cashier.
What AND Where: Publix in Irondale.
When? Yesterday.
How and Why: Well it's a long story..
But let me take a deep breath and start explaining what happened. I am known for my ability to take a long time to tell a story, to get off kilter and subject and ramble at times and beat around the bush, so please bear with me, pull up a chair - as this could take a minute.
Publix and MyBlog Spark sent me a 25$ Gift Card for use for their Flavor Excursion and Green Giant Veggie Chips event.
I was sent 4 bags of Green Giant Sweet Potato chips (Sea Salt and Bar B Q), and also two bags of the tortilla variety (which I much preferred) in the flavors of Ranch and Cheddar! Yummy!!!
I love that these tasty chips are packed with 17g of WHOLE GRAIN! Yummy too as they are made with real vegetables! I much loved using them to eat the cups of Wholly Guac that the Guac Squad is forever sending me free VIP coupons for. A delicious pair they make, indeed!
Green Giant™ Veggie Snack Chips can be a smarter snack option because
o Green Giant™ Veggie Snack Chips are made with real vegetables/Made with real sweet potatoes
o With 17 grams of whole grain per serving (14g for Sweet Potato Chips, 18g for Ranch) 48 grams of whole grain recommended daily.
o Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips only: 40% less fat than regular potato chips Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips only (6g per 28g serving) have 40 percent less fat than regular potato chips (10g per 28g serving).
The food itself was not the problem. I decided to use the 25$ Gift Card they sent in addition to my own money to get a significant discount on my weekly grocery bill.
Now Publix regularly offers 5$ off 30$ coupons, that are distributed in little magazines available on base at the gas station, so I had my husband grab me 4 of these. I planned to spend at least 120$ if not more. Shouldn't have been a problem, and it never has been before. Until this time- it was. Granted- I am aware that money saving coupons like this have limits. But to have cashiers that will, and then wont, can be confusing and a huge let down if you are expecting them to.
Now anyone who grocery shops with two kids should feel my pain. I have a 3 year old and an 8 year old, both little girls & you do the math. Those two combined with time limits and daily stresses of life, while you have a list of items you need, plus other shoppers, PLUS all these coupons combined.. is also a bad mixture. I understand this has nothing to do with Publix, I just want you to understand it is an already frustrating situation. I actually despise going to the grocery store. My eldest daughter will not be quiet while I shop, and it makes it hard to remember all the things I need to get, list or not.
I somehow miraculously manage to gather up all of my items and make my way to the register. I have 111$ worth of items, so with the 25$ gift card, that would take my total down to 86$. Then, I had product coupons totaling 60$. Some free items from my blog, Like J & J snack foods Whole Fruit bars and SuperPretzel, some Samabazon juices from Moms Meet and also I even had some Country Bobs free product coupons, which I was unable to use since Publix doesnt carry. I also had quite a few Wholly Guacamole coupons, plus just a few 1$ off items that I had printed and needed before going into the store.
My total should've went down to 26$. With the three 5$ off 30$ or more coupons, my total shouldve been 11$. What was super irritating to me was the cashier Sandra and the managers (Ray) inability to accept more than one 5$ off coupon.
When handed the three 5$ off 30$ or more purchase PUBLIX coupons, I was told I can only use one. Spend more save less? Gee thanks, Publix. This is especially confusing to me because I know for a fact that I have used more than one on the same transaction before. So I asked if I could go out to the store and come back in, or even separating my purchases into 30$ increments. I was told I could not. I was told I could use one 5$ off coupon a day. Which is where the title of this post comes into play. Spend more, save less.
Seems that Publix wants to reward customers for spending less. Why would Publix make it's customers go to the trouble of coming back another day, spending more in gas than they would've saved???? Please tell me what is the point in that... Determined customers will find a way to do it anyway, so don't make it harder on them. It's not like I'm some coupon queen who has stockpiles of groceries, although some people do, and more power to them.
Also, why would Publix make you go to the trouble of getting another person to come into the store with you, and go to two separate lines. Or go out and come back in, which I was told I couldn't even do.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that the manager stood over us the entire time. And it just drew attention to my mother and I, and was quite embarrassing to be honest. I felt made a spectacle of.
The problem was then aggravated by a rude woman in line behind us, who said loudly and rudely "What exactly is the problem here? You know: you could just let me go in front of you!!!" (When all of our items had already been rang up, and she had stepped into the line behind us after all our items had been placed on the conveyor belt and started to be rang up... lol) Now I am not rude, unless you are rude to me. I know when someone has way less items than you - you should be courteous and let them cut in line. And I also know how aggravating it can be to be stuck in line behind someone with a ton of coupons, or someone that needs a manager void, and you only have a few items. I understand this is also not Publix' fault, but it did add to the debacle and increase the overall stress of the situation.

My issue and main argument is this... why should someone who spends 30$ get a huge discount in the percentage of 1/6 of their bill, but if I spend over 100 I only get 5$ off, being 1/20 discount. Why would Publix make it more complicated on the shopper to have to come back the next day. Also, as a frequent online consumer I know that most companies reward you for spending more. For instance, at Victoria's secret (and many MANY other companies) they will offer 10$ off a 50$ purchase and 25$ off a 100$ purchase and 75$ off a 250$ purchase. These are not exact discounts, but just an idea of what I am talking about. If you spend more, you should save more, and you shouldn't have the situation complicated by stating that you have to come back the next day to use another store coupon.
In fact, Publix shouldn't even make you use more than one coupon anyway! It should state on the coupon that only one is needed, and for each 30 spent, you should save an additional 5$. Meaning someone with a regular grocery bill of 300$ would save 50. Perhaps max the total out at 200, 250, or 300, that would be understandable. But I do think that this would impress Publix customers more, and think that this is something they should strongly consider.
As for me? I will never visit this location again. If you choose to, that's up to you, but the manager and clerk weren't exactly friendly or helpful. Thankfully, the young bagger boy was extremely polite and apologetic about the situation. Unfortunately he was the only one with manners. The whole experience was the most aggravating trip I have ever had at a grocery store, hands down. The best part of this story is that my mom went OFF on the rude girl in line. The Manager was very apologetic (not to us) and moved her to another line. I cant control my sassy 50 something year old mothers mouth, sorry, but you shouldn't have been rude to us, and released her wrath.
The funniest part of the story, is she (the rude lady at the register) and I left within minutes of each other... and I'm sure she was quite embarrassed to find she had parked right next to us and had to load her groceries in her Lexus under my mothers unforgiving glare. If looks could kill y'all.... Insert foot hunny. Go ahead and do it now. I guess the moral of the story about the girl in line is : watch your mouth in a grocery store... you never know who you might be parked next to. Also, it's not my fault the cashier was slow. I literally had about 5 bags of items.. about the same amount she herself had.
I'm not saying I will never visit Publix again. I am saying they need to rethink their coupon policies. I am saying I will not visit this particular location again.
I sincerely hope MyBlogSpark understand my commitment to always be honest with my readers about my experiences with brands, whether good or bad.
Green Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips – Zesty Cheddar Flavor
I work with MyBlogSpark reviewing Publix all the time! In exchange I get gift cards to purchase items at Publix, and share them with you in exchange for that, I post about sales and promotions they might be having.
I usually will pick Publix over any other grocery store & I really do love Publix because the store environment, the prices, the selections, the brands, the varieties of the brands, the produce, the seafood, and the organics. They have a lot of organics throughout the store, as well as a aisle dedicated to organic items.
I usually am preferable to there because of their coupon policies and employees as well. Unfortunately, yesterday I had the worst experience I have ever had at a Publix. The manager, the girl in line behind me, and the coupons, it was all a recipe for disaster.
First : lets get the who, when, where, why and how details off the bat.
Who: The manager, the girl in line behind me, and the cashier.
What AND Where: Publix in Irondale.
When? Yesterday.
How and Why: Well it's a long story..
But let me take a deep breath and start explaining what happened. I am known for my ability to take a long time to tell a story, to get off kilter and subject and ramble at times and beat around the bush, so please bear with me, pull up a chair - as this could take a minute.
Publix and MyBlog Spark sent me a 25$ Gift Card for use for their Flavor Excursion and Green Giant Veggie Chips event.
I was sent 4 bags of Green Giant Sweet Potato chips (Sea Salt and Bar B Q), and also two bags of the tortilla variety (which I much preferred) in the flavors of Ranch and Cheddar! Yummy!!!
I love that these tasty chips are packed with 17g of WHOLE GRAIN! Yummy too as they are made with real vegetables! I much loved using them to eat the cups of Wholly Guac that the Guac Squad is forever sending me free VIP coupons for. A delicious pair they make, indeed!
Green Giant™ Veggie Snack Chips can be a smarter snack option because
o Green Giant™ Veggie Snack Chips are made with real vegetables/Made with real sweet potatoes
o With 17 grams of whole grain per serving (14g for Sweet Potato Chips, 18g for Ranch) 48 grams of whole grain recommended daily.
o Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips only: 40% less fat than regular potato chips Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips only (6g per 28g serving) have 40 percent less fat than regular potato chips (10g per 28g serving).
The food itself was not the problem. I decided to use the 25$ Gift Card they sent in addition to my own money to get a significant discount on my weekly grocery bill.
Now Publix regularly offers 5$ off 30$ coupons, that are distributed in little magazines available on base at the gas station, so I had my husband grab me 4 of these. I planned to spend at least 120$ if not more. Shouldn't have been a problem, and it never has been before. Until this time- it was. Granted- I am aware that money saving coupons like this have limits. But to have cashiers that will, and then wont, can be confusing and a huge let down if you are expecting them to.
Now anyone who grocery shops with two kids should feel my pain. I have a 3 year old and an 8 year old, both little girls & you do the math. Those two combined with time limits and daily stresses of life, while you have a list of items you need, plus other shoppers, PLUS all these coupons combined.. is also a bad mixture. I understand this has nothing to do with Publix, I just want you to understand it is an already frustrating situation. I actually despise going to the grocery store. My eldest daughter will not be quiet while I shop, and it makes it hard to remember all the things I need to get, list or not.
I somehow miraculously manage to gather up all of my items and make my way to the register. I have 111$ worth of items, so with the 25$ gift card, that would take my total down to 86$. Then, I had product coupons totaling 60$. Some free items from my blog, Like J & J snack foods Whole Fruit bars and SuperPretzel, some Samabazon juices from Moms Meet and also I even had some Country Bobs free product coupons, which I was unable to use since Publix doesnt carry. I also had quite a few Wholly Guacamole coupons, plus just a few 1$ off items that I had printed and needed before going into the store.
My total should've went down to 26$. With the three 5$ off 30$ or more coupons, my total shouldve been 11$. What was super irritating to me was the cashier Sandra and the managers (Ray) inability to accept more than one 5$ off coupon.
When handed the three 5$ off 30$ or more purchase PUBLIX coupons, I was told I can only use one. Spend more save less? Gee thanks, Publix. This is especially confusing to me because I know for a fact that I have used more than one on the same transaction before. So I asked if I could go out to the store and come back in, or even separating my purchases into 30$ increments. I was told I could not. I was told I could use one 5$ off coupon a day. Which is where the title of this post comes into play. Spend more, save less.
Seems that Publix wants to reward customers for spending less. Why would Publix make it's customers go to the trouble of coming back another day, spending more in gas than they would've saved???? Please tell me what is the point in that... Determined customers will find a way to do it anyway, so don't make it harder on them. It's not like I'm some coupon queen who has stockpiles of groceries, although some people do, and more power to them.
Also, why would Publix make you go to the trouble of getting another person to come into the store with you, and go to two separate lines. Or go out and come back in, which I was told I couldn't even do.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that the manager stood over us the entire time. And it just drew attention to my mother and I, and was quite embarrassing to be honest. I felt made a spectacle of.
The problem was then aggravated by a rude woman in line behind us, who said loudly and rudely "What exactly is the problem here? You know: you could just let me go in front of you!!!" (When all of our items had already been rang up, and she had stepped into the line behind us after all our items had been placed on the conveyor belt and started to be rang up... lol) Now I am not rude, unless you are rude to me. I know when someone has way less items than you - you should be courteous and let them cut in line. And I also know how aggravating it can be to be stuck in line behind someone with a ton of coupons, or someone that needs a manager void, and you only have a few items. I understand this is also not Publix' fault, but it did add to the debacle and increase the overall stress of the situation.

My issue and main argument is this... why should someone who spends 30$ get a huge discount in the percentage of 1/6 of their bill, but if I spend over 100 I only get 5$ off, being 1/20 discount. Why would Publix make it more complicated on the shopper to have to come back the next day. Also, as a frequent online consumer I know that most companies reward you for spending more. For instance, at Victoria's secret (and many MANY other companies) they will offer 10$ off a 50$ purchase and 25$ off a 100$ purchase and 75$ off a 250$ purchase. These are not exact discounts, but just an idea of what I am talking about. If you spend more, you should save more, and you shouldn't have the situation complicated by stating that you have to come back the next day to use another store coupon.
In fact, Publix shouldn't even make you use more than one coupon anyway! It should state on the coupon that only one is needed, and for each 30 spent, you should save an additional 5$. Meaning someone with a regular grocery bill of 300$ would save 50. Perhaps max the total out at 200, 250, or 300, that would be understandable. But I do think that this would impress Publix customers more, and think that this is something they should strongly consider.
As for me? I will never visit this location again. If you choose to, that's up to you, but the manager and clerk weren't exactly friendly or helpful. Thankfully, the young bagger boy was extremely polite and apologetic about the situation. Unfortunately he was the only one with manners. The whole experience was the most aggravating trip I have ever had at a grocery store, hands down. The best part of this story is that my mom went OFF on the rude girl in line. The Manager was very apologetic (not to us) and moved her to another line. I cant control my sassy 50 something year old mothers mouth, sorry, but you shouldn't have been rude to us, and released her wrath.
The funniest part of the story, is she (the rude lady at the register) and I left within minutes of each other... and I'm sure she was quite embarrassed to find she had parked right next to us and had to load her groceries in her Lexus under my mothers unforgiving glare. If looks could kill y'all.... Insert foot hunny. Go ahead and do it now. I guess the moral of the story about the girl in line is : watch your mouth in a grocery store... you never know who you might be parked next to. Also, it's not my fault the cashier was slow. I literally had about 5 bags of items.. about the same amount she herself had.
I'm not saying I will never visit Publix again. I am saying they need to rethink their coupon policies. I am saying I will not visit this particular location again.
I sincerely hope MyBlogSpark understand my commitment to always be honest with my readers about my experiences with brands, whether good or bad.
Green Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips – Zesty Cheddar Flavor
- Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips – Sea Salt
- Green Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips – Garden Ranch Flavor
- Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips – Barbeque
The generous folks at Publix® and Green Giant™ through MyBlogSpark are going togift one Reader with samples of Green Giant Veggie Chips plus a $25 Publix Gift Card. {Approx. $37 Value} Thank you so much!
Please read rules prior to entering. Giveaway will end on Sunday 10/11 at Midnight. Giveaway open to U.S. entries only. If the Rafflecopter widget doesn't show up (below), try refreshing the page or clicking here.
Please read rules prior to entering. Giveaway will end on Sunday 10/11 at Midnight. Giveaway open to U.S. entries only. If the Rafflecopter widget doesn't show up (below), try refreshing the page or clicking here.
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*Disclaimer* I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Disclosure Statement: My Blog Spark, Publix and Green Giant provided Locomotion of Expressions with this review & giveaway. I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post.
I love the idea of veggie chips that taste good!
nomfreebies at hotmail dot com
I would love to give Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips – Barbeque a try
Well, the rude woman in line had it coming. As for me, I NEVER shop Publix UNLESS I have a coupon for something I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT FIND ELSEWHERE. I have encountered rude cashiers there before, leaving a sour taste in my mouth for the whole shopping at Publix experience. And, btw, they are NOT the only store with organic foods, there are stores that specialize in organic foods and that is ALL they carry. Bottom line, take your coupons somewhere that doubles them to begin with and quit wasting time with employees who are only there for a paycheck or have some kind of vendetta going on. PS> this is not an entry. lol
I think the garden ranch flavor sounds good. I think I would actually try this product.
I would love to try the Green Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips – Zesty Cheddar Flavor
Entered the rafflecopter as "Wild orchid"
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Loved the review... I think you should be able to use your coupon the same day.
Love these chips!
i am looking forward to trying the sea salt chips, they sound good. i like your suggestion to eat them with some wholly guacamole!
The Zesty Cheddar flavor would rock my world. However, I believe they all sound nummy! Keeping fingers crossed!!
Im sorry you had such a bad experience at that location. Lately, I have been given grief as well at a lot of places for using coupons. Kroger also just stopped doubling their coupons! I cannot believe how crazy stores are getting about coupons.
As for the chips, they look delicious and its great to have a healthier alternative to chips. I would love to win this for my mothers birthday! Thanks so much!!
Well, you are lucky that you can use more than one at other locations. My local Publix never allows more than 1 publix coupon deal per item in your trip (Am I wording that right?). Furthermore, ours determines what stores are competitors so we don't have many store coupons that we can use. I think they stopped this because of the abuse of pharmacy coupons, etc. Anyway, I understand your frustration. LOL
While I understand your aggravation, my Publix, which I LOVE, does the same thing. You can only use one coupon per each $30. I just break it up into different transactions and it's fine. :)
These chips sound really good, especially the garden ranch ones!
Loved the honest review! Products sound great, and I will check them out. I feel for you on the bad Public experience. It's crazy how others resent the couponers, especially those of us who do not abuse the coupon system. Love your Mom's spunk!
The garden ranch sounds very good. I enjoy going to Publix.
I'm surprised that Green Giant has branched out into making chips, but I think it's a good idea and I'm excited to try them!
ada.gherkin07 at gmail dot com
Sea Salt chips
We shop at Publix when I go visit my mother. The chips sound good, esp the Garden Ranch Flavor.
I have been lucky with the Publix locations I've shopped, everyone is always nice and friendly and helpful.
I really want to try those veggie chips!
These sound delicious! I'd love to try the Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips – Sea Salt. I will look for these next time I'm at Publix!
I have acoupon for these I wanted to try them as well!
I've never seen these chips, but they sure do sound delicious.
Would love to try the veggie chips, especially the garden ranch one! :) Thanks for having a nice giveaway.
Some stores "policies" seem rather arbitrary. I sympathize with you.
I love the BBQ flavor. I would like to try the other flavors also. I like that they are healthier than other potato chips.
These chips sound really good. i want to try them
I would love to try the Sweet Potato Chips! lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com
I think your review is quite entertaining and candid...and I appreciate that.
Publix is one of my favs. Green Giant make s quality produucts,so I will try these.
Love your review and hoping to try these soon, they look yummy.
Sounds like that manager was on a bit of a power trip! I get not being able to use more than one of the coupons per transaction, but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to use more than one in the same day, especially if you leave and come back. I've always had good experiences at Publix (luckily), and the chips sound great!
I think this product sounds tasty! Love the review!
I agree with you on the points you made about the discount.I wish they had that offer here but all we seem to get is the gas card offers.I do love my local Publix and shop there at least once a week.
Absolutely LOVED your review! I have had the same coupon problems with one of my area's Publix's and have vowed never to return there again either. I've never had a problem with the other Publix which is only a mile and a half away from the other one. Fortunately, we also have a Sweetbay in my area which will accept Publix coupons as well as Target coupons so I usually do my shopping there. I think it's hilarious your mom went off on the rude customer behind you. I'm sure there were other lines she could have gone to anyway instead of standing behind you and complaining. I bet she was sorry she said anything after your mom laid into her and will think twice next time before she opens her mouth to complain to the person standing in line in front of her with more items then her/coupons!
I'm not sure about veggie chips and my family..they like NOTHING..NOTHING I say..but I'm all for it...
The veggie chips sounds delicious. :)
I've tried some of these and thought they were really tasty
I can't wait to try the Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips – Sea Salt! I have always loved going out of town and shopping at Publix when I can and I'm sure you won't let this horrible episode spoil your love of Publix either. The coupon situation should be the same at every store. It should be spelled out on the coupon if there are any limitations! If there was a limit it should have applied at all of your other store visits with this coupon! So sorry you had to go through this,going to the store alone (especially with kids) is stressful enough! Karma sure got the Lady in line behind you though! *LOL* :) I know your Mom was loving every minute!!!
My kids would love The Garden Ranch! I also agree with you on the discount problems! It doesn't make since to me!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I love shopping at Publix and would like to try the Zesty Cheddar Flavor.
Sorry you had such trouble at Publix—it's usually a great place to shop, with employees who are wonderful!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
i think the review is wonderful
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience at Publix. I wouldn't go back to that location again. Have you thought about contacting corporate about it?
Your experience in the grocery store happens to me a lot. I am very patient but I don't know what it is about workers in grocery stores. I have about decided to quit going to my local grocery because of the attitude of the workers. The shelves are always empty. I have quit using coupons because it is a hassle trying to redeem them.
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