In anticipation of Disney's SUPER BUDDIES releasing next week, discover training tips from the on-set trainers in the clips below, as well as recipes, crafts and activities click the image/picture below.
Once your buddy learns how to sit, stay, roll over and shake, treat him to some super tasty dog treats care of the Super Buddies! Choose from B-Dawg's PB Bacon Cookies or Buddah's Vegan Yam Yums or better yet make them both! Get creative and turn a regular dog house into Hero Headquarters because every Super Buddy deserves Super Digs!

Ohhhhh, so that's how they do it! #donkyDonkey!
(Yesterdays post marveled at how they train the dogs!) Insert foot...
Read mine and Gigis review/opinion of the NEW Disney Buddies film: Super Buddies!
Once your buddy learns how to sit, stay, roll over and shake, treat him to some super tasty dog treats care of the Super Buddies! Choose from B-Dawg's PB Bacon Cookies or Buddah's Vegan Yam Yums or better yet make them both! Get creative and turn a regular dog house into Hero Headquarters because every Super Buddy deserves Super Digs!
Ohhhhh, so that's how they do it! #donkyDonkey!
(Yesterdays post marveled at how they train the dogs!) Insert foot...
Read mine and Gigis review/opinion of the NEW Disney Buddies film: Super Buddies!
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