
Sunday, December 13, 2015

#thisREALLYhappened?! Dear Alyssa + a glance at the other side of the fence #wastingMYtime & What it's like to be a blogger...

Okie dokie, so where do I start????

I know most people or friends of mine even, that know I am a blogger think this is so easy and it's just given to me, I sit down and write a few words, and maybe PR people think that too.
That's just not the case.
There is so much more to it than that.

As your blog and follower numbers grow, so do the amount of pitches you recieve. I quit blogging for a few years bc I just simply could NOT keep up with the kids, the house, a full time blog, and the UPS USPS & FedEx all bringing two or three boxes A DAY.
A blog is like a snowball rolling downhill.. it gets bigger & bigger. I'm not sure how these GIANT blogs do it, mad respect.
For real.

 moving on---
I have been blogging now for 5 or 6 years, and I have grown this blog to over a million pageviews, from all over the world.

Maybe you think being a blogger is easy but it can be difficult, if not at times- overwhelming. It's all about time management. Delegation.  Especially during holiday shopping season. If you are not a blogger, you don't know, but it is like black friday everyday, for a few months. Everyone wants to be featured and get exposure while people are christmas shopping.
Blogging is organic wom. (word-of-mouth)

What happens is bloggers and PR firms alike, share contacts and are listed on sites that connect them with each other. Sometimes blogger friends will pass a PR email back and forth (hey, heads up! I just got this, contact this person) Etc.,. ect.
Now me, I'm a hot head. I am a newly single mother of 3 children under ten, and times have been HARD recently.

The holidays are upcoming and theres a few things I want to tell this "Alyssa Lepow" from "Command Partners"

First of all - how dare another woman, call another woman a "slut". Maybe if I had slept with your man. Or you knew me, and knew I was a slut. (Scroll down to see the screenshots if the emails)
 I am not a slut...
Why in the world would she say that?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I do not appreciate that. You wanna tell my ten year old daughter you think I'm a slut?
Didn't think so.. And because why? I told you that you were wasting my time? YOU ARE!
I have 2 little girls, one is 5 and I am at home with them every night.
And what exactly is a dumpster slut? Is that the best insult your degree got you?
I am sure I can come up with much more colorful words, but I am a lady and I was raised in the south- so I'm not gonna go there with you, I am going to be the bigger person.

Now I seem to have drifted off, what was I saying. Oh yes..

All these pitches come in,
"Hey would you like to try this new great product? If you write about it, I will send you 'samples'." Samples is what they call them, but they are sometimes not samples, but full size, so it's just a term. A good thing too; because I cannot justify writing for two hours on a computer for less than 30 dollars worth of product.

Now as they all pile in to your inbox and you pick and choose what you want to review, because there's not time to review everything- you then write back, Yes 'so & so PR person' I'd LOVE to try your great product! Please ship it to "this address".
Now you wait... and you wait... did they get your email? Did they ship it? You dont know!
Now imagine you have 20-40 of those, and you don't know if the item was lost in the mail or ever sent at all.

So a few weeks later you write back - "The Follow Up" is what I call it... see what has arrived, or if it has, put it on a "to-do" list to be written at a later time when you have assessed said product.
Now, you write the ones who didn't show up back.. "Hello, did you get my email/address? Did you ship the product?
Most of the time.
No reply.
I get they are busy; HEY I AM BUSY TOO!

Then they write back and say, "Hey following up, did you hear about this?" You are like -- what? YES I DID... (dingbat) laughing..

So again, you write back with an address.. though most of the time you get this: "sorry we do not have samples" OK cross them off that list to follow up with.

Every once in a while you get a real ballsy PR who will say, Hey, even though we dont have samples, would you write about it for FREE? And you're sitting there thinking, "no... I have scoliosis, and a lateral shift, and sciatica! I'm not sitting here in this chair- in pain... working for free.
I mean.. Do they work for free?
I highly doubt it.

Most of the time bloggers are only compensated with FREE PRODUCT. So if you are not going to send the product and you have already wasted SOOO much of my time with these emails. With picking an item from whatever company that you would actually want to review, then following up with them when it never arrives (and half the time it does not). Worse, nor do they reply that it will not until weeks later-- when they say "Oh we dont have samples" bc they ran out, or whatever reason.

By the time they write back I have wasted a good hour or two on them already. It really does take away time and energy that I have to put into companies who have actually sent me FREE PRODUCT. So why do they email you, and say they have samples if they do not?

VERY VERY Frustrating.

So I get ill and I tell one this friday day - I'm thinking in the nicest possible way I know how.

This immature woman takes offense to this, writes back and calls me a "slut" oh- wait... Im sorry, a "dumpster slut".
Did she mean 'cum dumpster'?  BC that is a far better insult.
Then when I get the email I notice she is so ignorant-- her cell number is at the bottom of the email.
Not a company number mind you.
I'm livid- what do I do?  Well lets call Miss Alyssa Lepow! DUH! See if she wants to say that to my face?
 (phone, ukwim)
She wrote me back at 10pm -ish. I assume from reading her command partners profile, and it being late friday night, she is intoxicated.. which is exactly why I DONT DRINK...
but like the punk she is, apparently. She hangs up on me. Then has her boyfriend / husband insert random dude call me back.. Cussed him out too!

Best part: this is someone who is a college graduate "professional" I use that term very very lightly. From her work email.

The next day, she leaves me a sickeningly sweet voicemail, wanting to "explain".

What is there to explain? I'm sorry but cunt, whore, slut, hoe, those are FIGHTING WORDS. It literally took everything I had not to jump in my car drive to Charlotte and kick her scrawny self all up down the sidewalk.

These message screen shots are in order btw..
My reply that set her off her rocker..
the other part of the message that ticked her off so badly...
What set ME off....

The way things have been going in my life lately. I am this close to snapping, and it's going to be something like this that sets me off. I don't like being disrespected. Sure-- maybe to you, they are just words, but you cannot unspeak them.
And as far as her saying she "wants to explain" theres nothing to explain. I have absolutley zero interest in talking to her or hearing any explanation she has for it.
What is she planning to say.. she didn't write it?
Yeah right.
Oh what? Was that a typo?
No it was not.
Auto correct? DOUBTFUL.

In any case.. I hope whoever she is, wherever she is, she learns to keep that giant mouth I saw on her picture on their website a little more closed. Bc you never know who you are talking to.. and what they will do. I might have been bat shit crazy and done something terrible. I kinda am crazy!! I didn't disrespect her or personally attack her. I expressed frustration with what she was doing, which is leading me on with the promise of a free product.- Then never providing it, then getting mad at me for noticing and getting frustrated.

Stop wasting my time.
No I will NOT work or post for free.

Don't be upset at me for not wanting to.

I have lost the father to my youngest child (10 month old little boy who JUST learned to walk) recently.  I need all the help I can get, not someone looking for a handout. Or checking my email to be verbally assaulted.

Now Mrs Alyssa Lepow. As far as you saying that my job is based purely on "what you have to give me"  good thing that's not true. Otherwise how did I end up with over a million page views? My blog survived before you & will after you. So long as I am breathing. If my "job" was based on what you have to give me , my children would not be fed. Bc you apparently do not have anything.
Thank you for reminding me there are still grinches this holiday season. If you do have a drinking problem. I suggest you get help.
And if you cant deal with sass mouth bloggers without cussing at them (yes, 'slut' is a cuss word, albeit a Jr high one) and insulting them... (youre a college drug? what does that even mean?)

I suggest you find a job where you don't have to deal with people.  Maybe at like an assembly line? An oil change shop? I don't know what job you could have where you do not have to deal with people... maybe my readers can chime in one in comments.

Because there is more to being a blogger that just sitting down and clacking away at a keyboard.
That's all I have to say about that.

Apologies mean shit to me, you cant do something, then just think saying sorry makes it ok. Just don't do things you should be apologizing for, simple.


  1. 606376. Please find a way to block this person from contracting you. Your ten year old is old enough to see this hurtful remarks and emails. Furthermore, you don't deserve that kind of retaliation from someone obviously with no.bedding whatsoever. As a grandmother, I am infuriated by this woman. I just wish I had her contract information so I could tell her what I really think of her. A term here in the South applies to that kind of m mentality; Lower than a skunks belly." And that's all I have to say about that LUITENANT DAN

  2. You can only apologize for things you did on accident. If it was intentional then you can't be sorry. That's just how I feel about it.
    You swing your arms wildly & accidentally give the person standing next to you a nosebleed ...
    That's worthy of an acceptable apology.
    However when you intentionally strike someone in the face, you can't turn around & say sorry. Be worth your salt. Stand by your actions. We all know you don't mean the apology. It doesn't make your act not hurt or excusable.
    Sorry, not sorry!


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