
Monday, November 7, 2011


Smarterer was co-founded in October 2010 by Dave Balter @davebalter, Michael Kowalchick @mikepk, and Jennifer Fremont-Smith @jfremontsmith.
Company Overview
We created Smarterer to provide people a simple, fun, and authentic way to show what they know. Smarterer is a platform designed to score individuals on any and every digital, social, and technical skill under the sun. Using crowdsourced test design and a scoring mechanism similar to the one developed to rank chess masters, in just 10 questions and 60 seconds we can give you a valid score.

Apparently, I'm not as advanced as I think I am in online world, however, I must admit, the timer barely gives you time to read the long question and it ticking away so quickly a visibly is a major distraction and makes me frantically pick an answer before I am sure of it.
 SOME OF My results:

Smarterer is a platform designed to score individuals on digital, social, and technical skills. Using crowdsourced test design and a scoring mechanism similar to the one developed to rank chess masters, in just 10 questions and 60 seconds we can give you a valid score.
When you take a Smarterer test you can get a score on your skills in areas like:
  • Blogging tools like Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress
  • Browser systems such as Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer
  • Games like Angry Birds and World of Warcraft
  • Social Media tools like Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube
  • And how much of a Baller you are. Serioulsy!
Want to stay in touch with Smarterer and find out all the latest news and updates?!/smarterer

Letting people know I'm a BzzAgent and received samples or coupons!
Bzzagent is a site that hooks up people (without blogs too! It's not a requirement) with free products for spreading the word about products, over the years (Because I am a longtime beginning of BzzAgent time member) I have gotten so many amazing products and learned about some cool ones too. In addition, I almost always get samples and coupons to (high value as well) dispense among my friends, family and acquaintances. If you are not already a BzzAgent, I HIGHLY suggest you join!

1 comment:

  1. I've given you an award! I hope you'll accept!


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